
In this blog post, I'm excited to share with you my latest battery design, which is an improvement over my previous iterations. The new design is compact, versatile, and easy to assemble, making it perfect for those with limited space. I've also included an instructional video to support the article, showing you how to put together this battery kit step by step. Let's dive into the details of this new design and how it can benefit you.

The New Battery Design

My latest battery design is based on my previous models but has undergone several improvements to address some of the issues I encountered. The new design features a massive 70 cells connected in parallel, with each cell being fused on each side. This design uses fewer screws and bolts, making it easier to assemble and disassemble. Additionally, the battery kit is built on the concept of using PCBs as compression bars, which provide enough strength and force to hold the battery together.

Assembly Process

Assembling the battery kit involves several steps, including:

  1. Preparing the stand-offs or spacers for the battery.
  2. Assembling the grid and placing it on top of the stand-offs.
  3. Pre-assembling the fuses with the bus bars.
  4. Assembling the cells, placing aluminum contacts between the cells and fuses.
  5. Securing everything with screws and bolts.
  6. Testing the contacts to ensure proper connection.
  7. Adding main bus bars to connect the battery as a full module.

Throughout the assembly process, you'll need some essential tools, such as an electric screwdriver and a pair of tweezers. The electric screwdriver will make the assembly process faster and more efficient, while the tweezers will help you place the aluminum contacts accurately.

Advantages of the New Design

The new battery design offers several advantages over my previous models:

  1. Compact size: This design takes up less space than my previous models, making it an excellent solution for those with limited room.
  2. Easy assembly: With fewer screws and bolts, this battery kit is easier to assemble and disassemble.
  3. Versatility: You can customize the battery according to your needs, using it as a single large module or dividing it into smaller sections.
  4. Affordable and replaceable parts: The components used in this battery kit are affordable and easily replaceable in case of failure.


I believe that this new battery design is my best one yet, offering a compact and versatile solution for various applications. With its easy assembly process and customizable options, this battery kit is perfect for DIY enthusiasts and professionals alike. To purchase your own version of this battery kit, visit, where you'll find different sizes ranging from 10 batteries in parallel up to the largest 70p model. Stay tuned for more updates and testing videos, as well as a tutorial on assembling this module using different types of cells.

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